Wednesday 25 November 2015

Little red riding hood (film noir)-Opening Title Sequence

For the actual piece of coursework I'll be working with Jack Cullum and Fabian Harrison. Originally we were going to do a fairy tale themed film noir, even before we did the fairy tale film noir continuity task, but doing the task before allowed us to practise filming and also practise using a fairy tale narrative combined with a film noir narrative. We have roughly assigned all roles, me being in charge of sound (I will work harder in the sound this time as I will have a bit more time to compose a piece of film music) I am beginning to get inspiration for other sound tracks, I will also do multiple genres of music, one being a folky acoustic piece for when Red Riding is walking through the the woods, I will also do some synthesised and string work, as well. I will also be in charge of props and foleying, so I'm pretty much in charge of sound which works well as I do A level music, so I makes sense me being charge of sound. Jack's incharge of the the practical as he has a image in his head on how he wants the opening title sequence to look, but I am giving him suggestions on what we could do. I think it'll be really fun working with Jack and Fabian because we are good friends and I think we have a good piece of work come out of this as we have good people with helpful skills in our crew.

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