Thursday, 19 November 2015

Hansel and Gretel (Neo Noir)-Continuity Task (Evaluation)

Overall we gained some good feedback from the audience for our Hansel and Gretel themed film noir feature. However I think that the things we could improve, would be to make the narrative a bit more clearer, which was said one member of the audience when they gave us feedback.
Again I would say when I do the Little Red Riding Hood opening title sequences  I will spend a lot more time on the sound as we didn't have enough time to compose a really good soundtrack as our main priority was the editing and the actual recording. I found this task useful because it allowed me try and create the camera angles that I learnt in the lesson as haven't done any like this before so it was really helpful.
I worked with Adam and Jude during this practical and it was nice to work with people that I don't really talk to as much, but I feel that we as a group need to be bit stronger and make sure everyone has an official role, as that would saved time, especially skill considering (for specific jobs who specialise in that area).
The task took bit longer than expected  as we tried different locations; for the witch's house scene, we started recording in the drama studio, but as we ran out of time and we weren't allowed in school, becuase it was half term, we descided to recorded the scenes but at Jude's house, we all thought this was a good descision as (not meaning this in a horrible way) Jude's house looked quite old fashioned which suited the authentic style to our short film.
I also would say we need to focus on the lighting, especially in the shot where Jude's says "where did you get these" you could see him at all, which we didn't notice at the time but realised as we watched in class. Also when me and Jude have a conversation on the phone together the editing could of been a bit precise as there a lot of pauses between each bit of dialogue, which looked unprofessional.
I liked watching the short film, eventhough some parts made us a bit apprehensive (such as the eyeline match, short reverse shot) as we didn't know how the audience would react, but they seemed to enjoy it. But all of the things we felt apprehensive with were all the bits we experimented with. Next time I think we should do a bit more planning because we didn't have clear idea of what to do we had faint ideas that we thought would be really good to do for example we were going to have the witch's house burn down but we didn't want to be too dangerous and accidentally hurt someone but we also had some parts where we questioned ourselves, from when Hansel was in the oven and we Gretel came to save him we had to come up with something on the spot so we descided to have a phone conversation between Hansel and Greatel but it was luck that we kept the neo-noir conventions as we would of been stuck on how to link the scenes together and help the narrative flow a bit better
But from this task I learnt what to do and what not to do in the next practical for our actual piece of graded coursework

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