Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Making of Hansel and Gretel (Neo-Noir)-Stills

The process of this activity took a fairly long as we were constantly trying out different shots for example:

These are some of the examples we tried we tried low and high angles shots for this still, and in the end we found that we wanted to get something a bit more dramatic by using low angle shot gives a expressive feel than a high angle shot.
Besides that we experimented with the lighting but because we outdoors for half of the shots we had to do all the lighting during editing, as we couldn't of brought lamps and the light we could of used was natural light. We were also deciding if we should of keep it in black and white, like a traditional film noir, which we did but some parts like the flame didn't stand out well, so we left that part in colour. And we also left in colour during the shot when Hansel (Jude) eats one of sweets and we even raised the saturation, just to show that he is going crazy and he isn't in control.
During editing, we reduced the saturation on most of the photos. And we (poorly) edited a housed in a shot, this was quite difficult as we had to find a photo of a house that would fit into the scene, next we adjusted the lighting and saturation so it is the sames the shot underneath, as Hansel's hand was covered by the house, we had to 'cut his hand off' from where it was covered, made a copy that and place it above the house. We also edited the wall in for the witches' house as the wall before didn't as well, it badly edited, but as time goes we our editing will get better, as we are were a little inexperienced with the software.
For mise-en-scene, we went and brought some bread, which we used for making the trail back home, just like the Hansel and Gretel story.We brought some sweets which Jude used for his scene when he get manipulated, and we also used it for when we were walking back home scene. Me (Gretel) and Adam (The Old Lady) both brought which we used for our characters, as we didn't have a female in our group so we descided to dress up as girls ourselves, but instead of making us having to wear a full girls clothing, we wore normal stuff as the clothes we were wearing a typically clothes for both boys and girls for this time, which is one of the reasons we made it neo-noir.

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