Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Making of Hansel and Gretel (Neo-Noir)-Stills
The process of this activity took a fairly long as we were constantly trying out different shots for example:
These are some of the examples we tried we tried low and high angles shots for this still, and in the end we found that we wanted to get something a bit more dramatic by using low angle shot gives a expressive feel than a high angle shot.
Besides that we experimented with the lighting but because we outdoors for half of the shots we had to do all the lighting during editing, as we couldn't of brought lamps and the light we could of used was natural light. We were also deciding if we should of keep it in black and white, like a traditional film noir, which we did but some parts like the flame didn't stand out well, so we left that part in colour. And we also left in colour during the shot when Hansel (Jude) eats one of sweets and we even raised the saturation, just to show that he is going crazy and he isn't in control.
During editing, we reduced the saturation on most of the photos. And we (poorly) edited a housed in a shot, this was quite difficult as we had to find a photo of a house that would fit into the scene, next we adjusted the lighting and saturation so it is the sames the shot underneath, as Hansel's hand was covered by the house, we had to 'cut his hand off' from where it was covered, made a copy that and place it above the house. We also edited the wall in for the witches' house as the wall before didn't as well, it badly edited, but as time goes we our editing will get better, as we are were a little inexperienced with the software.
For mise-en-scene, we went and brought some bread, which we used for making the trail back home, just like the Hansel and Gretel story.We brought some sweets which Jude used for his scene when he get manipulated, and we also used it for when we were walking back home scene. Me (Gretel) and Adam (The Old Lady) both brought which we used for our characters, as we didn't have a female in our group so we descided to dress up as girls ourselves, but instead of making us having to wear a full girls clothing, we wore normal stuff as the clothes we were wearing a typically clothes for both boys and girls for this time, which is one of the reasons we made it neo-noir.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Ant Man (Activity 1-Creating a FilmSynopsis)
Marvel's Ant-Man, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), after coming out of prison for a robbery, to get money to raise and look after his child, realizes that he doesn't want be a criminal for the rest of his life, however after being forced to do so by his friends and his will to look after his child, discovers a suit which transformed Scott into microscopic creature (Ant) doing this he ends up in prison again, unexpectedly Hank Pym (Micheal Douglas), the creator and owner of the suit and founder Pym technologies, breaks lang out of the cell to get him to help Hank get the particles back from Darren Cross, Yellow Jacket, who is using them to create a micro-weaponised suit.
Ant Man (Activity 2-Freeze Frame)
In this shot I can see 2 people, one could be a villain and other good guy, or they could both be bad/good guys having a conversation of some sort. In the frame the 2 actors are positioned behind the desk with all the clutter and scientific equipment on it, the guy is positioned on the left which could mean that he had just entered through the door which implies that the room belongs to the man on the right. The artificial light with no natural light represents that they are either in a secret basement of sorts or it is in the evening, the light is supposed to revealed the characters expressions, as if the actor on the left had discovered something. The camera shot is a medium shot as the subjects are quiet close the camera which could mean that there's a serious conversation happening between these 2 actors, the angle is straight and its isn't canted at all. This frame tells a lot about the characters, The person on the right, as stated before is probably the owner of this room as the guy on the left is the closest to the door, but all the science equipment implies that he is wise and clever and knows how to operate science technology, but as the room doesn't look like as expensive or to the standards (as it is small and looks old fashioned and worn) as a typical lab, it could mean that the character on the left is either fired/got turned down by a science company, so he has to do his work in his home.
I think the camera is just in front of the desk to get full aspect of his room and to get the conversation happening in front of all the science equipment. In the room i think there's probably 3 cameras, 1 for over shoulder shot of both characters and the one in front of the desk as it is a conversation happening between these characters 2 show perspectives, By doing the desk shot allows the audience to analyse the film to find out more about the character on the right. Like I said before if the camera done an over the shoulder shot for the actor on the left might interesting because you'll see the conversation from the actor on the left's perspective and you'll see more of the room around him.The camera moves to the perspective of the person who is listening to the other character talking an changes for long dialogue but when there's quick sentences, the shot in front of the desk is used. The time is likely be in the evening as there is only artificial light coming in and again for the same reason it is probably a basement due to the lighting, the setting is possibly quite serious as there is nothing t distract the audiences as the colours are dark and not vibrant which will draw the attention to the more clearer parts which is off the 2 characters talking about something important in the plot.The characters are positioned at the same height which shows there isn't something that means one has a higher status. But I would say the focus is on more the guy on the left as you can see most/all of his face rather the guy on the right which could mean the guy on the left is the protagonist, but we can see they are both on the same side as they are close together in the frame which means they have a relationship, these characters are both the good guys.
The attention is maintained by the lighting being always on the characters faces which pin points audiences to them and so they'll focus on what they are saying. From what the protagonist is wearing, a black T-shirt which could show he has had a dark past and is trying to make it right, as it is a superhero movie a T-shirt is a common piece of clothing for someone his age so he'll appeal to people in the audience, however for the man on the right, he is wearing a 2 piece which could mean he a practical man, yet wise and clever, and he is wearing glasses as well which stereo-typically symbolizes being highly educated/smart. Both characters give a relaxed vibe as the man in the right having his hands in his pockets and his jacket taken off means that he isn't to look overpowering, and the man on the protagonist looking defenseless and not looking like he is about to attack the man (not threatening), with his hand by his sides. Like I said before they are likely to be friends from being on the same level or they have a connection in someway but both are equal in status maybe the protagonist is higher up in status stereo-typically because he is younger and middle aged. The protagonist is the main focus of the frame as you can see a full facial view of him whereas you can't really see the other characters face, so the audience draws attention to him. This frame is crucial to the narrative as it shows the audience mostly a bit more information of the guy on the right as you are in his room so this scene is probably where talks about his plans and his past.
Ant Man (Activity 3-Opening Title Sequence:Structure and Style)
The first shot we see is of a building and it is slowly zooming in. Then we track a character from the bottom so there is a sense of a reveal of who this character is. A POV shot used as supposedly the main protagonist walks through the door to see all the characters in the room, around the desk, with a slight over the shoulder shot with a wide shot of the characters. This emphasizes that this likely to be the main protagonist is one of the main characters as you see everything from his perspective. All of the characters get a close up, occasionally you get a close up, with an over the shoulder shot from the main protagonist. As the main protagonist attacks the 'antagonist' (likely to be) a medium shot is used to see the other characters restraining the protagonist.
The opening scene is in full color but a seepier is used to make it look a bit more old fashioned, as it is set in 1989. All the men are wearing black suits which could mean this is a highly authorized building and formal, inside he building a lot of silvers and blues are used which shows it is strongly secured and it is a heavily technological place. The colors stay the same throughout the scene.
There are 4 characters 'Hank Pym' ( the main protagonist in this scene), 'stark' (the supposedly leader of this cooperation), The girl 'Carter', and the antagonist 'Carson'. Carson is likely to be lower down authorities wise as he is sitting down and the rest are standing, usually this represents the authority because he is smaller, and he is looking for a big achievement to raise his status, it could mean he is actually the boss and doesn't feel the founder of the cooperation shouldn't have that respect because he is keeping his creations a secret.
The opening title sequence draws the audience in by being vague with there conversations, Like what is the scientific creation that Hank came up with? What happened to Hank's wife? this is the overall enigma of the story. obviously this like flashback is just to give the audience a gist of what is happening but not too much information, so you want to know what happened between Hank and his cooperation once he left and what is going to happen between him and Carson.
Outside you can hear cars or some sort of vehicle which represents how modern the building is. Strings and horn are being played and giving off a dark feel as Hank walks in through the doors and are help which is typical in a piece of film music, this changes dynamics during and in between dialogue with the occasionally loud bursts especially when Hank attacks Carson, which make the atmosphere seen quite dramatic. Non-diegetic sound can be heard when the sliding doors open and close. Carson talks differently when Hank leaves he is quite aggressive mainly because he feels intimidated by Hank but secrets to get information from so he acts a bit differently. The music then changes to slightly cheesy foreign music when the titles comes up this is just used to change the mood. The music cuts out just before this and fades to black for a second.
There are 2 setting 1 outside the building and 1 inside, even though its modern its an authentic looking business room with scenes and smart technology for doors. Its quite a big room which could mean that these people are wealthy. but a lot of technological screens are used which represents a typical office in our time but maybe not in 1939 which seems unbelievable.
This movie is definitely aimed for the film fanatics and viewers/fans of marvel film/comics. This is quite a popular film and will be available to most countries to watch, mainly in Britain and America. And for the same reason mainstreamers will like the is movie and go and watch it as well. There will probably like action and adventure films as well as some Sci-Fi films.
The opening title sequence only featured 1 company logo, Marvel studios, and showcased the iconic logo off with the typical flicker of the comics and displays the Marvel logo also used in the comics, with a bold text all in capitals, which helps the logo stand out, and also the red is used which is a typical color for marvel to use in their comics and their films. By doing this it cleverly likes into the film of superheroes, so it seems like you are flickering through a marvel comic book
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Film Noir Analysis
Film Noir is a film genre set in the 1930s which originated in America. Some of the most popular film Noirs include Casablanca, released in 1942,which is about an expatriate who is reunited with a former lover,and set in the early times of the war. A lot of smoke and shadows associated with these films to to add the mystery of the characters, this might of been on accident to give this effect as people didn't know th problems of smoking back then. Even though most film noirs are in black and white, colour was available , but the producers chose to have it in black and white as the lighting contrasted with the Sunset Boulevard, released in 1950, which is about a screen writer who writes a screen play for a silent film star.
The third man, released in 1949, when a pulp novelist goes to post-war Vienna to discover his friends mysterious death.

However there are many modern Film Noir feature films called Neo-Noir. Such as Sin City, released in 2005 and Misfits, released in 2009 in series 4 episode 4, where they did a Noir special.

Neo-noir show the key features of film Noir which has a modern interpretation to an old classic, and sometimes adapts and distorts the typical themes of a Film Noir feature film. Film noir's were set post war, so that is why it was so violent because that is what the people were used to seeing. to the historical background white males where the most powerful in this time so it was unlikely to see a black person / woman to take the leading roles. woman where seen as the entertainment for the men and to seduce them, hence why a lot of the women had to entice the men to get then to do what they want. Film noirs feature an everyman (the average man, who is troubled by his past, and usually finds himeself in a mess by the end ny the femme fetale),a femme fetale (A manipulative women who gets what she wants by having sex with the men, the men normally do her dirty work and from the heartless woman she is then puts all the blame on the man when the police arive or gets another man to kill him) and sometimes a villain or a bad guy of some sort ( usually have connections with the femme fetal or out to kill or gets by the everyman).

However there are many modern Film Noir feature films called Neo-Noir. Such as Sin City, released in 2005 and Misfits, released in 2009 in series 4 episode 4, where they did a Noir special.
Neo-noir show the key features of film Noir which has a modern interpretation to an old classic, and sometimes adapts and distorts the typical themes of a Film Noir feature film. Film noir's were set post war, so that is why it was so violent because that is what the people were used to seeing. to the historical background white males where the most powerful in this time so it was unlikely to see a black person / woman to take the leading roles. woman where seen as the entertainment for the men and to seduce them, hence why a lot of the women had to entice the men to get then to do what they want. Film noirs feature an everyman (the average man, who is troubled by his past, and usually finds himeself in a mess by the end ny the femme fetale),a femme fetale (A manipulative women who gets what she wants by having sex with the men, the men normally do her dirty work and from the heartless woman she is then puts all the blame on the man when the police arive or gets another man to kill him) and sometimes a villain or a bad guy of some sort ( usually have connections with the femme fetal or out to kill or gets by the everyman).
Monday, 5 October 2015
Sunday, 4 October 2015
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